Minix Android PC ( All-in-One )
In this era of technology; the demand for new gadgets are rising and as well as the expectations of the users.
For the usual internet browsing and social media, entertainment ( Movies, Games, Music, Karaoke ), daily office and school works: Technology is always in tack.
With this, Minix delevoped something out of the ordinary. Minix put in both the user-friendliness of Android and the power of a desktop PC into one!

Minix NEO Android PC is your “go-to device”.
It could be use as a desktop PC for your internet browsing, game console for playing Android Games, Media player for your movies and even a Karaoke Player for family entertainment.
It could also cater business entities for advertisements (Digital Signage player) and set as their workstations. As Minix Android PC is dedicated to deliver cost-efficiency through a lower power consumption.
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